Below is an overview of my recent work

Brand Ads

Custom Ads

The SquirrelWorks

Assortment of  ads created for Loan Officers promoting the basic brand message and look.

Ads created for Loan Officers with specific messages and/or themes.

Various ads and packaging facecards produced for a model rocket company.



Social Media - Web Banners

Assortment of custom doorhangers.

Various flyers, some product base, some event invitations.

Combination collection of digital items for multiple clients

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    Jordan McLellan

    Arts & Illustration

    Praesent mattis massa mattis lorem aliquet suscipit. Donec at purus est. Morbi nec eros et dui tincidunt porta. Phasellus suscipit aliquam tellus, quis pulvinar nisi semper nec.